10. If you are over 100 years old and living in New Mexico you are exempt from paying income taxes.
9. If you were persecuted by the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1923, your settlement payments are tax exempt in the state of California.
8. In the Netherlands, residents can deduct the cost of getting trained in the “art” of witchcraft.
7. In the United States, kidnapped children are tax deductible until they are 18 years old so long as the kidnapper is a stranger and not a family member.
6. If your doctor requests that you to swim for medical reasons, the cost of installing a swimming pool may be tax deductible.
5. In Hawaii, if you plant a tree that is deemed “exceptional” you can get up to $3000 in deductions for its upkeep.
4. In South Carolina, you get a $50 deduction for donating a butchered deer to charity.
3. While moving, the cost of transporting your pet is tax deductible because pets are considered to be a part of your personal belongings.
2. In Australia, some women get a tax exemption on lingerie.
1. In the United States, if you loan a friend money and there is no chance that they will ever pay you back, the full amount may be tax deductible.
For more interesting information about taxes and the IRS, visit our website for informational videos, articles, and more.
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