Thursday, May 10, 2012

Think You Know a lot About the IRS??

IRS Quiz
  1. Who is the IRS Commissioner Selected By?

  2. The Secretary of State
    The President
    The Attorney General
    The Vice President

  3. Where Are the IRS National Capital Offices Located?

  4. Seattle, WA
    New York, NY
    Washington, DC
    Miami, FL

  5. What Was the Former Name of the IRS?

  6. The Service for Monetary Revenue
    The Bureau of Internal Revenue
    The Internal Monetary Service
    The Bureau of Government Collections

  7. Who Created the Office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue?

  8. President Washington
    President Nixon
    President Lincoln
    President Bush

  9. What Year Was the First April 15th Deadline?

  10. 1944

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