Friday, July 6, 2012

IRS Tax Relief Help: What to Look Out for When Hiring IRS Tax Representation

In an industry that has been disparaged by the likes of TaxMasters, JK Harris, and Roni Deutch, a taxpayer could easily be discouraged from hiring representation to defend their rights against the IRS. Facing the IRS on your own is not a wise decision. By doing a little research, you can save yourself from falling victim to scams or deceptive practices.
Be Wary of BBB (Better Business Bureau) Ratings
While the BBB is widely used by consumers to determine the reliability of a business, it’s not perfect. The BBB does not conduct extensive background checks on business owners or their staff.
For example, a CPA may have had their license for 20 years but only been handling tax issues for 2 years. The BBB will list his or her company as being 20 years old despite the fact that they have no actual expertise or experience in IRS tax problems.
Shell Companies
Many businesses who advertise themselves as tax resolution firms are “shell companies”- a marketing company who sells personal information and serves no purpose to the consumer.
These websites can be distinguished because they do not list their employees, and they will often have a large “lead capture form” front and center on the homepage. This is a form that asks for your name, email address, etc.
Pennies on the Dollar
There is an influx of so called “tax resolution firms” that promise to settle your IRS tax problems for pennies on the dollar. These companies are not legitimate.
If you owe the IRS money, there are a number of options available to you, but simply slicing your debt into nothing is not one them. These companies will charge you an upfront fee and then not deliver on their promises. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Companies Who Do Not List Their Staff on Their Website
The first thing you must ask yourself when you notice that a company does not list their staff on their website is “Why”? A firm with qualified, trustworthy professionals should be proud of the people they employ. If a company website doesn’t list its team members it probably has something to hide. Namely, the fact that it most likely employs under qualified individuals with no actual tax or IRS experience.
If you are facing IRS tax problems, JG Tax Group wants to help. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about your current IRS tax situation.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Truth About Tax Defense Network

Tax Defense Network was founded in 2007, by brothers Franklin and Joseph Vailnho. Neither of whom is an Enrolled Agent, CPA, or Attorney. The company was established after both brothers and their prior business, Emergency Debt Relief, were sued by Attorney General Charlie Crist on behalf of the State of Florida pursuant to the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act, Chapter 501, Florida Statutes.
Dwayne Harmon, while Vice President of Marketing at Tax Defense Network, was charged with 1.7 million dollars in Internet fraud. Harmon was accused of selling the personal information of hundreds of Tax Defense Networks’ clients, putting their identities at risk of being abused.
Additionally, Tax Defense Network has set up a website called This website claims to deliver “Real Reviews”, “Honest Ratings”, and “Reliable Results”. The website dishonestly poses as an outside, third party who has “done background checks” on each tax company and “rated their performance from A-F”. The truth is that Tax Defense Network owns and lists itself as the “Number 1” tax company on the website. Meanwhile, Tax Defense Network is hard at work posting pretend, made up “ratings” on other companies.
Any company with a trustworthy reputation need not rely on deceptive websites to falsely promote themselves.
JG Tax Group filed a lawsuit against the Valinho brothers, Tax Defense Network and its other website, After the lawsuit was filed, they immediately withdrew JG Tax Group from their website. We dismissed our lawsuit because Tax Defense Network removed our name and approximately 40 other names from the website. Several weeks later, Tax Defense Network was back up to their old tricks as they’d reposted JG Tax Group on their website in a less provocative way. We still believed it was libel so we notified Tax Defense Network that we were filing a second lawsuit. Again, they immediately withdrew JG Tax Groups’ name from their website.
As a taxpayer, it is vitally important that you do you research before hiring a firm to defend your rights. Do not leave your IRS tax problems in the hands of possibly deceptive or untrustworthy individuals. To see copies of the lawsuits mentioned in this article, Dwayne Harmons’ lengthy criminal history and current incarceration, or the Attorney General settlement with the Valinho brothers, click here.

Friday, June 29, 2012

What Does Obamacare Mean for Employers, States and the IRS?

Yesterday, The Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with a close, 5/4 decision. Today, political debates about the constitutionality of the decision are still going strong.
Before scrutinizing what some people are going to say is the “biggest tax increase in all of history”, it is important to fully understand the implications of the Act and why “requiring” employers to provide employee healthcare is not going to criminalize the ones who chose not to.
First off, the tax for deciding not to (yes, you are allowed to decide not to) provide your employees with health coverage isn’t that expensive. This isn’t to imply that struggling businesses who can’t afford to buy healthcare for their employees will also be able to afford the penalties, but the good news is that the IRS can’t criminalize you for not paying the penalties. If you don’t pay the tax, the IRS isn’t allowed to levy your assets, garnish your wages, etc. The Act strictly prohibits this type of behavior.
Where does this leave states that chose not to comply with the Act? The court ruled that states can opt out, but if they do, the government is not allowed to take away any funding the state uses for existing Medicaid programs.
How do you feel about Congress’ ruling? JG Tax Group would love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment below!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

IRS Official Addresses Whistle Blower Program Complaints

As we posted last week, the IRS whistle blower program hasn’t been as productive as it was intended to be upon the opening of the Whistleblower Office in 2007.
A lack of resources, bureaucracy, and the pressure the IRS receives to uphold laws concerning taxpayer anonymity are just a few of the reasons the program hasn’t taken off as successfully as it was intended to.
Steven Miller, Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement at the IRS, recently sent out this memo to top IRS Managers. Here are some of the highlights.
Regarding Upholding Taxpayer Privacy Laws:
“A contract for services under section 61 03(n) may be used when disclosure of taxpayer information is necessary to obtain a whistleblower’s insights and expertise into complex technical or factual issues.”
Regarding Efficiency:
“•Whistleblower Office-claims received should be initially evaluated by the Whistleblower Office within 90 days.
•Operating Divisions and Criminal Investigation-review by subject matter experts should be completed within 90 days of receipt.
•Whistleblower Office-whistleblowers should be notified of an award decision within 90 days of when collected proceeds can be finally determined.
I understand that there will be times when these timelines cannot be met, and exceptions will be necessary to ensure that the decision on whether to proceed to an audit or investigation considers all relevant information. Reporting in the BPRs will outline compliance with these timelines and overall timeliness of the process. BPR reports should include data on subject matter expert reviews that are suspended pending receipt of a risk analysis opinion. The Office of Chief Counsel has established controls and reporting requirements for its risk analysis opinions. My office will track this area as well. The Chief Counsel concurs in making this area a priority.”
Whether or not this memo indicates that a change in the program will be followed through with, it’s a step in the right direction. It has also been suggested that contact between the IRS and the whistleblower will be handled by the whistleblowers law firm or attorney. This will also be a tremendous help. Take this recent ad from the Ferraro Law Firm:
“…businesses need to defend the very types of underpayments you have discovered. With that in mind, ask yourself if it might not be time you had a tax whistleblower lawyer working for you—someone with the same type of experience who can fight effectively to protect your interests?”
These types of appeals may spur an influx of freelancing whistleblowers that come forth with information in order to get the percentage of what the IRS will end up collecting-if the IRS actually follows through with their recent suggestions. Whether or not that will happen is yet to be seen.
If you are seeking advice regarding IRS tax problems, contact JG Tax Group. Our staff consists of some of the most knowledgable and reputable individuals in the country and we will evaluate your situation to help you elimate your IRS tax problems.

Monday, June 25, 2012

IRS Remains Complacent on Tax Exempt Status of Churches

Preachers around the nation intend on spending the next four months promoting Pulpit Freedom Sunday. Every year since 2008, religious leaders intentionally provoke the IRS in order to make a statement regarding their tax exempt status and their “right” to freedom of speech.
As we’ve posted before, the IRS is becoming stricter about taking away tax exempt statuses from organizations that align themselves too politically.
The situation is a handful for the IRS, who needs to be seen as non-partisan. The catch 22 is that by “cracking down” on what the IRS deems as a politically involved organization, they are also inevitably still making a politically based decision.
The reason that some religious organizations feel comfortable openly promoting political parties is because in their opinion, taking away their tax exempt status would challenge two essential American values; freedom of speech, and the separation of church and state.
While churches have become more rigorous in making sure the IRS knows it will openly promote political candidates, the IRS has remained silent on the issue because of the sensitive nature of the situation.
Unless the IRS takes some sort of action, this type of activity will increase. Why does it matter? Federal tax breaks for churches add up to nearly $25 billion every year. This is money that could help the sparse resources that are currently available to the IRS, among other things.
Are you or your organization facing IRS tax problems? Don’t become a victim. Contact JG Tax Group today to discuss your rights as a taxpayer.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Japanese and Swiss Banks Agree to Report U.S. Tax Evaders

Today, the United States Treasury announced that it’s made compliance regulations easier for Japan and Switzerland in order for them to report on the bank accounts of United States citizens. This is a huge step in what many tax evading Americans have feared as FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliant Act) aims to expose these individuals for not reporting income hidden in offshore accounts.
Prior to Japan and Switzerland, agreements have been made with Italy, Germany, France, Spain and the U.K. The original framework for these countries was set up so that financial institutions would give reports to their local government, but Japan and Switzerland have been given the ability to report directly to the IRS, which simplifies the process. The United States Treasury has said that it will consider making the same deals with other countries if it helps ease the stress of the process.
For months, the Swiss government has been trying to negotiate an agreement that would keep the names of thousands of account holders private, therefore aiding in helping them evade taxes. This has caused the U.S. to start targeting Swiss banks individually; 11 to be exact.
The U.S. and Switzerland hope to reach an agreement by the end of the year on how to deal with past and present issues on reporting on U.S. account holders. The Swiss Banking Association says that it welcomes the implementation of FATCA and less complex reporting methods.
Many Americans have been able to, up until now, evade taxes by harboring money in offshore accounts. As the IRS becomes more aggressive, many taxpayers will be faced with problems that should not be handled lightly. Hiring a tax professional is crucial to defending your rights as a taxpayer. If you are having IRS tax problems, contact JG Tax Group today.

Why the Soda Tax Will Completely Backfire

The unfortunate reality that Americans are overweight raises valid questions concerning our countries dietary habits-but placing a tax on personal choices is ineffective and carries unintended consequences. Cigarette tax, for example, has created a black market and criminalized the lower class. If a smoker can’t afford to legally buy cigarettes, they’ll go to the entrepreneur who buys cartons from Native American smoke shops and sells them on the street.
Rather than taxing soda, we should implement an effective public awareness campaign. Persuading people to make their own decisions has been proven more effective than attempting to force people to do so. In the 1990’s, the Harvard School of Public Health masterfully rolled out the “Designated Driver” campaign with huge success. To this day, the “designated driver” is practically a requirement for social outings whereas prior to the campaign such a notion never existed.
Another troubling aspect of the soda tax is the fact that the proposal comes from Michael Bloomberg-the same man who made sweetened Snapple drinks the official beverage of New York’s high school vending machines. Can somebody say hypocrisy? The $116 million dollar deal didn’t prove profitable and was therefore axed in 2009.
The point is that rather than forcing people into health conscience decisions that may unintentionally criminalize the lower class, our government should step up as leaders and persuade, rather than force, sugar lovers to cut back in order to save their own health. Americans should be encouraged to value themselves enough to care about what they are injesting.
How do you feel about imposing “sin taxes”? JG Tax Group wants to hear from you. Leave a comment below, @reply us on Twitter, or “like” this post on Facebook below!